A downloadable game for Windows

About The Game


In Soul's Passage, you play as Chiara, a little girl who is trapped on a magical train. Your mission is to escape the train with the help of the skills she has learned along the way. Be careful, as there is evil lurking on the train.

You can play Soul's Passage using a controller or the pc's keyboard.


En Soul's Passage, eres Chiara, una niña atrapada en un tren mágico. Tu misión es escapar del tren con la ayuda de las habilidades adquiridas por el camino. Ten cuidado, ya que el mal acecha en el tren.

Puedes jugar a Soul's Passage usando un mando (Play) o el teclado del ordenador.


A Soul's Passage, ets la Chiara, una nena atrapada en un tren màgic. La teva missió serà escapar del tren amb l'ajuda de les habilitats que podràs obtenir pel camí. Però compte! Ja que el mal s'amaga dins aquest tren.

Gameplay Video

How to download

  • 1. Click on the Download button below.
  • 2. Right click and unzip the ".zip" file
  • 3. Open the folder and double click "Soul'sPassage.exe"
  • 4. Enjoy!

Yipee Game's team:

Camilo Londoño Otero as Programmer

Paola Pica Castro as Designer & Artist

Gerard Martinez Tresserras as Designer

Grazielly Sanchez Nascimento as Artist

Laura Tuxans Valls as Artist & Producer

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
Tags3D, Cute, Escape Game, Indie, Puzzle-Platformer, Singleplayer, soulspassage, Trains


SoulsPassagev2_Build.rar 263 MB

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